"I could never do everything you do…"You know that saying, if I had a dime for every time x happened? That’s how I feel about hearing these words. If I was looking for a get rich quick scheme, this would be it. See, three years ago our family made a radical leap. We left our cozy old 3,400 square foot home in town for a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, unfinished 1700 square foot house on 8 acres to become homesteaders.
In the last three years we have learned a lot. And as a bonus, we’ve grown an abundance of meat, produce, and eggs for our family. We have (mostly) finished our house. We have grown in our relationships with each other. Our marriage is stronger. Our faith is stronger. We are happier and healthier than we've ever been. In so many ways, our life is even simpler than we ever set out to make it. Life is just different now and it shows. Others can feel it even when I can't exactly describe it. Usually that statement above is preceded by a wistful sigh.
Here’s the thing though- God’s probably not asking you to do everything I do. He’s not asking you to be me or me to be you. He wants you to be you! He made you in a special way, just for your life- not for mine. I’m guessing a little bit, but while I think many people are attracted to the homesteading life we life, I think an equal or greater number are really attracted to that ability to breathe a little easier.
While the claim of this book’s title might seem a bit lofty, I think building a life of simplicity is simpler (pardon the pun) than most people believe. What it isn’t, is easy. It is easier to grab quick meals. It is easier to charge that online purchase right now. Yet none of those things will likely help you in your goal to reach a simpler family life. That one that you might think you can’t, but I believe you can.
As a wife, mother, speaker, author, homesteader, special needs parent, business owner, and whatever other labels social media wants to throw my way, I’ve learned to do what God asks me to do and to let him manage when I do it. Sometimes that means taking a long break from a project that I believe is important. Sometimes that means trying something new I don’t think I have time for. That’s really the hard part- slowing down enough to truly say yes to God in the right situations.
It’s taking a hard look at your current reality and being willing to asses what’s working and what’s not. It’s being unapologetic about doing what’s best for your family even if it doesn’t look like what everyone else is doing.Seven days doesn’t sound like a lot, but what you will find in the pages that follow is less about a seven day life makeover and more about a new mindset of family living. A shift that will change the flow of your days to make room for a simplicity, generosity, and joy and allow you to live the mission God has for you and your family in new found freedom. You can do this!
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